Baby Songs

“O Little One”, co-written by Kristy Ererra-Solomon
vocal by Kristy Ererra-Solomon

“Feet and Fingers”
vocal by Kristy Ererra-Solomon

“Bubbie’s House”
vocals by Shira Pomerantz, Caroline Miller, Joan Firestein, and Sydney and Drew Junker

“Sippy Cup”
vocal by Kristy Ererra-Solomon

“Don’t Cry”
vocals by Robbie Solomon and Kristy Ererra-Solomon

“It’s A Wonderful Thing”
vocals by Kristy Ererra-Solomon and Robbie Solomon

Composed by Robbie Solomon © 2013

All songs arranged by Brent Hardesty Bojingles Audio, Parkville, Md., and Robbie Solomon
Mixing by David Sparr, Little Dog Studios, Malden, Mass.
Keyboards and Midi tracks: Brent Hardesty
Percussion: Samuel Solomon
Violin: Frances Horich
Viola: Maria Kannen
Banjo, Mandolin and Guitar: Robbie Solomon